July 30, 2015

Trash FLASH: OU's Summer Session Fly Bytes

OU's Summer Session Fly Bytes
Summer 2015

Summer session has begun at University of Oklahoma. The dumpsters are loaded pizza boxes hovered over with mechanical flies...seems OU has a new computer chip design program this year.

Italians students hang out on patios, pools, and railway yards hoping to get a byte out of their crime wallet. One after another Roman student being hauled off to jail violently screaming Sol Invictus (the Santa Claus God) at the US citizens.

Holding a temperment of disgust and villainy, the illiterates under Roman authority won't obey American laws and they chant damnation of the American people, country, and it's slave free position in the world, all the while, queering the home wreched population as to why all them slave gots away.

As citizenship rejects, these ineligible for American degrees because of both their political and religious beliefs squit on all four hoping they know bear and cougar words while waiting to hear from happy posters like KAPB.

In esoteric studies the words are, "as above, so below"...as for those who wait, watch, and scratch the byte shit off, "Oh, my Fu...ing God, we hope not"

July 29, 2015

Trash FLASH: Biblical Luke in Drab

Biblical Luke in Drab
Summer 2015

History has it's own way of offering it's information. From the WW2 archives was found a picture of a Luke who had been arrested in Nazi Germany. He looks wretched, swollen, and unearthly. One thing should be noted about this bible goer, he has never reality left the soup kitchens.

Almost all of those types of community outreach centers have a Luke working for his dinner. Working around the clock, whatever, whenever his pay is always the same...a dinner. Well, Good luck to ya. The world hasn't changed while you were in there...so why come out now.

July 28, 2015

Iconic: Merlin the Sorcerer, or Magician

Merlin the Sorcerer, or Magician
Summer 2015

Recently, while studying myth gods, etc. it was viewed in an Ancient Alien video a type of hidden object collection of images that detail the coven of Merlin the Magician. Interesting enough, this post hopes to add info for Plutonium viewers about that fable sorcerer.

Merlin, in reality, is an occult that uses and creates herbs potions from poisonous plant... such as with demons, evil, or satani like Devil'Claw, Helabore, Nightcloud.Catnip, and Garam are two of the lesser dangerous weeds that are inhaled or eaten.

Scholars also say Merlin is the lowest in dangerous occults. That could explain why Merlin images are everywhere in America...some are questionable, while others are may be very familiar to viewers.

 Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are among national holidays that have been built from the personalities of the Merlin occult. When referring to the first two holidays, the term of cult is normally used, while Halloween, October Feast, and Hanukkah are thought of as occult festivals.

Bar-Jesus, the Jewish sorcerer, is also in the occult of Merlin. Mainly injecting a Merlin tincture formula causes the DNA alteration into a Bar, but it has been known to see bars on alot of others occult members who hasn't used that type of infusion.

White Peter, called SaintPeter, is another famous biblical character. Changing the levels of magnification it's possible to see a few different images of the so called, Rock as well as the Christian Church's foundation of faith...there are also images of Peter in the first image post above.

There are dark sides of the Merlin coven. Dracula, Dark Man, and White Minnow are three large orders in that occult. White Minnow has been written about several times at Plutonium. Caligula, the Roman Emperor was a White Minnow and reported as insane from sexual abuse. Dark Man has been shown in many occult movies, and he's sometime referred to as an Goetia demon, but, in reality, he's a victim. Dracula is very well known. He is the result of Kava abuse, a favorite Merlin herb.

Many, many researchers, scholars, and law enforcement agencies use the Merlin enclaves to watch persons within madman occults. To say it again, Merlin is the least dangerous.

Famous person in the stage of Merlin the Magician or Sorcerer...the artist, Claude Monet.

As for Norman, Oklahoma's Merlin, it's Dr. Don Baker, plus a few others who wonder around looking like Merlin. Baker is the former director to the School of Social Work at the University of Oklahoma.

Endocrine: ,Aged Tree on the Move

Aged Tree on the Move
Summer 2015

Strange at it may seem, trees will move themselves about. Perhaps the root system is the way it takes place, the stronger roots become the trunk, or simply broken branches create a new platform on which the tree's spores can thrive and grow into a new self. How ever it happens, trees can move themselves aroud a forest. Below is a good picture of a tree that is moving...

July 27, 2015

Trash FLASH: Husbandry Abuse

Summer 2015

KAPB learned days ago the source in which the practice of multi husbands was introduced and evolved into what is happening today among homosexuals...Husbandry!

Husbandry is the application of control and maintenance of animals, crops, and likekind resources. Somehow, federal court papers were made and filed that put men into the husbandry category...perhaps the use of lesbian semens as KAPB posted during the Cedar Apartment cases. Abuse of Lesbian body issues can lead to bovine transfigurations...in other words, cows!

Ouch, gay dude! Remember this...burger de...licious.

July 25, 2015

Trash FLASH: Heil Hitler!

Heil Hitler!
Summer 2015

Love this photo from Tumblr.com. KAPB has posted dozens of comments and articles about the Goetia animals, endocrine mutations, etc. that this vintage poster says it all. Think again, domcoft!

Roots: Ruth Cavendish alias Beatrice McCarthy

Ruth Cavendish alias Beatrice McCarthy
Summer 2015 - Norman, Oklahoma

As most members of the KAPB relatives have been uncovered as fraud, it's little surprise that the grandmother, mother of the preposed mother, Theresa Wills, is found to be among the fraudulent.

 The photos with this post are of Bea McCarthy...they are remembered well. Verbally retorting the nylon exposure, each sexual gesture was in someway included into the lifestyle when grandma visits took place.

McCarthy was a devout Roman Catholic. Every Sunday, religious holiday, and special Roman celebration, she would be in the church, head covered and beads in hand. She had a depth background from Pennsylvania farmer family, Civil War hero fame, to  NASA technition...Goddard space.
And, apparently, a prostitute!

The images were found at Tumblr.com/Girls and Machines. There there is a collection of photo, gifs, and illustrations or several different girl types from around the world...as for KAPB, friends of Bea's are posted also. For persons who have found fraudulent family members at the dinner table, Girls and Machines could be a defined resource. Good Luck.

Copies of known friends...

July 23, 2015

Iconic:Buddha in Annanuki

Buddha in Annanuki
Summer 2015

Found this image on Tumblr.com. The cone in the hand is so famous among the Sumerian tribes of ancient Iraq. The story is the aliens came to earth and created a species of a mankind to work solely for the aliens. Reportedly they needed gold, but hashish became the primary reason for the Sumerian lifestyle.

In several earlier Plutonium posts the Annanuki is referred to also as FBI, Marijuana, and the Goetia character of Rahm. Whichever fits best, the Annanuki secret planet of Naburu is most likely Nuberia. There is where marijuana addicts generally end up living out the remaining of their life.

Double! Trash FLASH: GAE, Federal Courthouse

Double! Trash FLASH
GAE, Oklahoma's Federal Courthouse
Summer 2015

Guess who's been found in the Oklahoma City Federal Courthouse?  Bruce the Bomber!

Minutes ago the national news was given premission to release the information that the Oklahoma courthouse bombers (1990's) had made its way back into the federal courthouse. Using the acronym GAE, a party of transgenders males had created a makeshift federal agency that was established via the catholic church. God Fu..ing Damn! All who are done with these guys, raise your hands! !!!

July 22, 2015

Trash FLASH:Katie's Little Green Plant

Katie's Little Green Plant
Summer 2015

Almost two years ago KAPB published a post about how dwarfed prostitutes made themselves appear as touched very little when in reality the prostitutes were skilled professionals. KAPB said a small multi stemmed plant was the source used to make any opening shrink to nearing closing up and sealed shut. The biggest problem with the plant was that it stained the skin 'green'.

KAPB has found a print of that plant...it is posted below.

Art a Fact: Apollo God Character

Art a Fact
Apollo God Character
Summer 2015

Great picture of Apollo!  It's difficult to clearly identify just which Goetia character because this God consists of several of the demons. When a person takes on a demon, that endocrine fluid begins to stain the DNA. When several demon areas are used, that is, jumping around inside several characters, each of the realms stain that person's flesh. Thus, makes an Apollo God.

July 21, 2015

Aliens On Us: Zoroastrian Rock, Mid Summer 2015

Aliens On Us
Zoroastrian Rock
Mid Summer, 2015
Cedar Apartment, Norman, OK

This Zoroaster rock is the same as the other photos with the exception of the date and time the captures were taken. This rock faces the lenght of the apartment property.