The Apollo/Montezuma's Revenge
Oklahoma Fall, 2014
After uncovering and oracle based Apollo type temple in a private bathroom, a few facts about that discovery should be noted. The way in which the 'revenge' was handled is also notable because of the nations and personalities who assisted the criminals.
Within the embed is the technique that is being used to settle the cannibals who eat human bowel and urine. Forced enemas or diarrhea with urine linkage was the expected. Stages of the Viking was being used a the temple attendants in this Apollo type feces worship.
After the uncovering, the attendants were witnessed as making requests from observers for questions with the answer to be given by the person sitting on the toilet. A female sound was used by a unknown person, believed to be a church nun, who was faking as the presence of the toilet sitting, unsuspecting oracle victim. It was after the uncovering of the faking of a temple oracle worship that arrests were made...with that both Mexico and Canada offered threats concerning the entire ritual. Listed below is the revenge attack order.
The following order was used, and is still repeating, to defend the position this Taliban, Al Qaeda attack is worked.
Attack Order:
- Greece - Orthodox Church Ruler
- Rome - Catholic Church Clergy
- India - Viking and odors and gases
- Korea - Pandas with threats of murder, etc.