August 6, 2014

'Taliban Raiders': Taliban Bed Buddies

'Taliban Raiders'
Taliban Bed Buddies
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Wild Card Crazy!

This is very well possibility a photo
of Mike is the stage of
"Urban'. It is here that magic and
conjuring are the essentials
in their mindset.
What ever the reason, the Taliban has mooned the State of Oklahoma. Running around in red, black and white cars and trucks, while their dictator, gushing with orders, for the City of Norman, OK to witness the strength of the Jews. 

TV commercials in Oklahoma
are featuring Muslims taunting
viewers about the cattle
industry set off a volley of
comments yesterday,.
All the information KAPB has is that the WPT (World Poker Tour) and Mike Sexton, did an on-air confession to being the Taliban while wearing his Poker Stars logo shirt. Learning that that home owner had been added to Requiem, KPAB's live on-air reality channel, the television lite up like a dendera bulb. WPT went into a frenzy and demanded on-air attention at KPAB, something of which the managing editor had little time to give.  

At the Riverwind Casino, four thugs from the University of Oklahoma, via Bob Stoops, literally robbed the Poker Room at that casino. The card robbers confessed to be Taliban, Bob Stoops turns and confesses to being Taliban, and then ESPN adds itself into the huddle of Taliban militants. Prostitutes were jumping out of cars barking orders at females while law enforcement taunts back at them with the word 'Taliban'.

"Male football players...Beware!" quotes
from the Sir Caption OU Athletics.
The Taliban said they used WPT to deal drugs and that WPT was going to continue to. Contracts were signed to sell stories on OU Referee corruption, heroin was to be deal as Neuro, and invisible guns was the threat of the hour.