July 15, 2014

'Iconic': Pope Urban and the Hindu Kush

Pope Urban and the Hindu Kush
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

After learning the truth of the little known pope of the Christian Crusades, KAPB has assembled a few pictures from both the movie Prince of Persia and a Google image search in the hopes of making an interesting collection for future references.

The following pictures and images are both Pope Urban. This pope served for two thirds of the Christian Crusades of 900-1200 AD. It was during this era that the Knights Templar, Saladin, King Xerxus, and Richard the Lionheart became household name around the world.

Pope Urban is believed to written his autobiography telling the story of his delusions during his addiction to the hemp called Hindu Kush. The written story is entitled, "The Prince of Persia'.

These are the images collected....

Clip from 'Prince of Persia'. Urban (Dusdan) in Hindu Kush.
Disney Productions

Very typical of hemp addiction is the belief that it's possible to give salvation to sinners. Pope Urban, it's reported, offered salvation to any who would go to the Middle East and fight for Jerusalem. The word Jerusalem is believed to be a very holy place by addicts of marijuana.
Most famous in the mountains of the Hindu Kush is the pyramid mountain that contains the oldest civilization known to man. Just where that race vanished to is not known, but several images were left behind for historians to search for descendants in later years.  Pictures of these graven images can be seen in the 'Ancient Aliens, Season 5' series.
the village in the foreground is a possible first settlement where the hemp Hindu Kush was first used. Evidence of pipes, water bongs, and parchment papers were found in varies caves inside the fortified city atop of this front mountain.
Cities on top mountains are made by chiseling the walls and structures out of the mountain bed rock.
The pyramid mountain in the Hindu Kush created stories and fables that served as the foundations for many delusions within the oh so many wonder stories while on the herb marijuana. Pyramids are perhaps the number one creation that has derailed mankind for hundreds of thousands of years, Iraq is no different.

The fuzzy appearance of the hemp is famous for the fact that it's the number one product sold in Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, and even in Egypt. This strain, as marijuana is referred as,  has very few seeds wherefore highly coveted. Not many nations have the mountain resources to grow this strain and trying to steal anything connected to this hemp certainly means death for the attempt.
This photo is from a tourist website. It's the coloring that's important for this post, as the blue/green appearance signals persons that the Hindu Kush hemp is grown in the area. In movies, the blue/green color blend indicates that the hemp is a major factor to understand just what is happening. 

Coming out of the delusional stage called Hindu, the coloring turns into a golden bronze. Some scholars suggest that the 'Bronze Age' is in reality coming out of Hindu as the early settlers traveled down the mountain as the ice shelf slowly melted and the land became more inhabitable. Ye halo around Urban;s head is simply an icon effect created by artists during the age of portraits.

Also while in the stage of Hindu Kush, persons who are addicted to this hemp will  believe they are directed by their god to work as assassins. The famous Hassassins of Middle Eastern folklore is perhaps the number one character movies and television is riddled with. The 'H' in front of the word assassins simply means a strain of the Hindu Kush herb. The blue eyes, yellow splotches, and  mound on the face are all signs of a Hindu smoker. It should be remembered also that these smokers hear their god telling them to assassinate when necessary.

As this Cimejes likes to impersonate an Asmodeus, this Hindu Kush will also carry the that the hemp make a snake inside to the torso. From the arm pit to the hip runs a muscle that will transform into a snake like creature from the abuse of this herb. Historians believe that the Cimejes is in reality the demon who tormented Solomon of Israel because the Cimejes will copy anything that's royal. Cimejes will leave no one uncovered. The Cimejes work mainly in medicine, so experimental studies of the physical form is a high level medical research to discover any possible transforming to any of the other demons in the human brain. 

The man behind the girl is Urban is Multa Nig-er. The girl is Urban when he went through that transformation change , which Hindu Kush addicts also do. Though not shown in this image the individual being carried is called a 'Jaba' or a 'Mammam'.  Haba (Jaba) is the hidden study written of in the biblical Old Testament story of Adam and Eve. Haba meaning 'Habitat'. The word Jaba is still pronounced with an 'H' in some middle eastern countries. 

Most scholars agree that the Mongols of the Asian Steppes are the hoards that flooded the western European counties. It is also shared by historians that the royal female "Harthaenut' of the Denmark strain is mostly likely Pope Urban while in his female stage. The western Europe monarchy was created, so to say, by the French aristocrats during the Dark Ages. Roman Generals Claudius, Constantine, and Clovis formed the royal monarchy known today in just about all the modern European countries. It is believed that Claudius set it in as Roman law that the Roman Generals had to serve this duty when in female or not be considered a candidate for any Roman rule, or at any time in the future from his decree.
There is the account of Pope Urban. The delusion can be seen, as said, in the Disney Production, "Prince of Persai'.

Thanks for viewing...