July 24, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Vontage and the Vicars

'Trash FLASH'
Vontage and the Vicars
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

KAPB has had its share of strange fellows during the years it has been publishing at Google.

Vicar is the name of a form of priest. They originated within the Church of England and have something of a long and mysterious history. Sorcerers such as John Dee, Nostradamus, and the Russian Rasputin were all associated with the rank of Vicar during their service to the Christian church. The Roman Catholics refer to a Vicar when detailing the personage of the Pope, that is, one who is next to God, or better said, the Christian's god. Sorcerers is the western version of the magi of the eastern religions. Each have a definition for magic and each use magic for the purpose of their own beliefs. Machines of the Gods, a documentary about the sorcerers and the Science of the Magi. The worships of Serupus (Apollo) and the different type of trickery use to get money from followers and the curious.

To come to the point of this, the phone company of Vontage is using the female uterus for its smartphone service. The device, a roller blade used in TV reception chips, was put on KL Aghijlar' uterus was implanted during an cervical exam at a Providence Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. The business that funneled the internet exchange was stared by the charity organization of The Salvation Army.  The device also uses the bowel as an emergency contact...just what is attached to the bowel area that's near the uterus is not known yet, but it's almost certain that is only temporary.

Hundreds of Vontage customers will learn soon of the porn being aired across the internet via smartphones. The Vicars, funneling the monies through the charity mentioned, Millions of dollars have been stolen from state and federal agencies through the misuse of the human body as the Vontage device cause cancers, boils, and other types of tumors on the phallus as well as the uterus...Vontage customers will be held responsible also in the forth coming legal processes against the three companies mentioned at this post.