June 3, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Adder Wood Jamie

'Trash FLASH'
Adder Wood Jamie
 Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Adder Wood Jamie

Top: Jamie when using
a fattening mixture, such as
Akiia and Pomegranate.
Bottom: 'Kat', slim down
and younger Jamie.
Very little has been said about the second string players of professional sport teams, KAPB included. But something has arisen that is worth the publishing this post.

Yesterday a huge pile of water was released onto the living room carpet at a home of a KAPB worker. The smell of Adder Wood became very strong soon after the water was pulled out of the area. The vapors circulated around the apartment of the worker and by early morning of the following day she had nose sniffles and a minor congestion in her upper lungs. All these symptoms are associated with the misuse of the herb Adder Wood combined with fresh water, fresh water here is meant as 'water pushed through household pipes for human consumption'.

By morning of June 3rd from the wet spot apparent imaging was seen as traveling holograms and audio broadcasting around the apartment. The images were of incognito 2nd string University of Oklahoma Football players. Important is the Al Qaeda group 'Kat', or 'Katie', is the fraction who is the trespassers in this case.

The images at this post are from a former KAPB post entitled 'Katie'. The present 'Adder Wood Jamie' group are the same persons.

More them likely the way
a 'Kat' or Jamie would look
as a male.
Jamie is very close to the person who is the leader with the Adder Wood gang. Adder Wood when mixed with fresh water will smell very much like dog urine/issue. This form of herbal abuse can easily be shifted to blame a household pet dog and many time the household cat. The smell of this Adder Wood mixture will linger in the air and the mix can be enabled to drift and hold imaging for a few minutes.

The use of blue jet bulbs is most likely the way the mixture is being injected into the household water supply. The reason not to jet the mix into cooking and drinking water is because the herbal mixture will make a person vomit it right out. The blue bulb are used because the mixture will remain stable whereas other colored glass will cause the mix to drop in effectiveness.

Jet plane bulbs are the devices used today to black market this type of warfare. In the bulb picture, it is apparent of a way the jet bulb can be transformed into a water pipe jetting tube. A dishonest plummer, or crooked apprentice, could easily make the transfer of the two bulbs. Once placed on the pipe, water pressure will enable the bulb to jet the mixture upward with the aim to push the herbs into the carpet of the room above the bulb.

Second string pro game players are the Al Qaeda members who use this type of criminal home surveillance. Leaving the pets to carry the blame...many pets are sent to the animal shelter because of this cruel way to be a professional football bugler. Damn!

Question? Is this type of money maker considered to be honest employment that is needed to get a student loan from the American Banking System? Perhaps the government needs to check the credentials of the lending personal.