May 12, 2014

'Iconic': Morphindike

Oklahoma   Summer, 2014Ugh

Several post with the word 'Morphindike' had been posted here at Plutonium. But the word in former posts was not clearly correct. After several years and watching the entire stage at a pro sport university play it self out, the word is now much more understood in its connection with the French Argonauts.

Morphindike is a homosexual spectacular who likes to the feeling of a sexual association with a macho male portrayal that is in reality a female who has altered her DNA to resemble a male he-man, such as a pro wrestler, football, hockey, or gymnastic team player. This type of homosexual is a homophobic who will assault a person who makes any mention of his or her sexual desires. As most pro sport players do engage in prostitution at some point in their early career, morphindikes have become a regular attraction at pro sport events in university cities, referring to themselves as ' Stabilizers '. They will  purchase and control the primary seating at stadiums and decide which semi and university level players will be selected for the pro sport circuits. Making, on the playing field,  the hullabaloos of the players more and more directed towards the morphindike's sexual arousal, players are becoming a public sport pornography attraction as pro sports slowly winds down in ticket sales.

Morphinegrawl is the term used for those who use the alcohol Orose as the stimulate to encourage as DNA change. Morphinegrawl like boys to girls, such as in dance ballet, women gymnastics, and professional fashion modeling. Orose, like Rye whiskey (morphindike) is injected into the base of the upper spine as illustrated in the image above.

More information about this sub-culture can be read at this link.