May 2, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Goddard Space Center

'Trash FLASH'
Goddard Space Center
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014
Raum, Asmo

White House press release

Goddard Space Flight Center, a sub-division of NASA, has a shadowy past. Seems they crew during the 1960's added several thousand children to their list of drive-by and fly-over space targets.

After the breakdown of covert Al Qaeda groups and clusters, GSFC butt stuck straight up into the air, leaving the now adult children exposed to tortures by electricity in the genital and breast areas of the body.

Using the space stations posted in KAPB's Disciple Mania series, Goddard, believed to have the largest employee enrollment of Raum German scientists, put all of the 1960's thousands of children on the airways for criminals characters to buy, sell, or trade in the efforts to subdue lands, waterways, and finances.

Hopefully, the President's Office while investigating Maryland's Health Marketplace website failures will find the 1960's children still wearing their space underwear as Goddard has chosen to move into Asmo Asmodeus to save themselves after being identified by the legal authorities in the state of Oklahoma.