February 15, 2014

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes: Ptolemy

'The Cedars'
Ptolemy and the Popes
Oklahoma   January, 2014

Part 1: Ptolemy

Ptolemy is the least known in ancient history, but the  Greek General who served under the rule of Alexander the Great is perhaps Alexander himself. Little is known about either of the two, so it seems to serve as a good focus point when talking about that time in history. All the same, Ptolemy came into focus here at KAPB soon after the last post in the McD entries. The similarities between the two, Ptolemy and Alexander seemed to fit the rumors of a duel personality to the Ruler and the General that here too we believe that the famous ruler and his general are one and the same just classified by temperament rather then separate individuals.

Choosing illustrations to best make Ptolemy more visible, the activities are listed with some information of the character he may be.

For some reason it became
a part of art to color his
hair as red as seen in
this sculpture.
Ptolemy made his connection through an Asian restaurant that was located next to a merchant who sells small items that cost only a dollar each. Why that location was chosen is not known, but it is believed that a different area other then the 'free grid'* might have been what made the final decision by this Al Qaeda fraction. Including the strength of the dollar merchant who is home based in the state of Virginia, USA.

Notice that the artist
has one finger either
pointing up ward of
away from the other
fingers. A sure sign
that Ptolemy is a
Thomas in Cimijes.
Very soon it became noticeable that transgenders who were in a posse party with prostitutes were going to be the stalkers along with Ptolemy. All of them seemed to be working for an Anso named 'Aristotle'.  Aristotle is believed to be another AQ fraction that former President Bush listed as a criminal organization who was involved in the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Towers, USA.

Using assault and battery to gain control, the demagogue Andrealphus (Ptolemy) takes steps towards the situation they are trying to subdue; or, so to say, 'obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace' (Answers.Yahoo). This red-headed mongol is soon noticed to be more of a house boy then a fierce Greco general and Egyptian god Orpheus.  With a favoirite name of 'John', Ptolemy will stylized that name to fit the need...such as, John Carpenter for a Jesus movement or John Weaver for stealing from a seamstress.

With a structured hierarchy colony of followers, it is evident that every position to the apex must be filled by either a Marax or an Andrealphus. The participants, or followers, are mainly from the Anso (Asian) groups found inside the Goetia characteristics. The Alexander personalities are best seen when Ptolemy is working on a position such as the 'Weaver'. Upon a completion, Ptolemy will return to the Andrealphus character.

Ptolemy looks like this.
Using the human urethra, the fluid made to create the yellow color in urine is used to literally broadcast radio waves to small-based stations that are normally located near the home or business of the person this Al Qaeda fraction is stalking. It is necessary to send a charge to the human body area, thus, giving a small electrical shock to the urethra entrance. A cold compress will usually stop the electrical shock, but  the stalkers will force the shocking to travel back to the bowel opening. It is from these areas that Ptolemy will cast votes. or somethings, to the followers of the now Apollo church of worshipers located at the toilet with an Andrealphus priest of this newly formed occult worship to preside over the 'tioletiers'. If the cold compress is used to subdue the broadcast, it can be expected that assault and battery insults will follow.
His feminine nature.
See the red hair. Even
in female his is pic-
tures as such.

Ptolemy likes to rape...perhaps the use of the herbal weed called Ambrosia is the cause. This weed when smoked, steam vapor, or drank will cause the contraction of the testicles and ovaries making the release of semen all most impossible. Thus, creating a similar state as in transgenderism and the loss of genitals through a surgical procedure.

Ptolemy are idiots. They vandalize, dictate orders without any limits, their pedophiles, wasteful and normally the 'retarded' in Nazi organizations. In the hierarchy of the upper church, he is of the lowest order , or referred to as a 'Pleb'. The Popes, of which there are three, like to use Ptolemy because of these characteristics, as when confronted Ptolemy is simply 'go to war' rather then to find other way to get control of a situation.

The use of the weed Ambrosia has mind-altering effects that can eat away at the flesh transforming the human head onto a bead of the plant itself. Greek colonies dedicated to the Greek god Dionysus, the better known Beelzebub of early American folk lore were the result of the use of the weed Ambrosia.

The Popes is where Ptolemy went when KAPB forced a confrontation with the Ptolemy Al Qaeda fraction.

 If you are unfamiliar with the free grid it works like this. Dial your own iPhone number into your own iPhone. You should get a different tone much like a pager or fax signal. After a while the noise should clear and the line go blank. At that point you should here somebody talking. You can talk back to them if you wish to. If you don;t want them to hear you simply press the mute button.