December 9, 2013

'Iconic': Sorcery and The Talking Newspaper

Sorcery and The Talking Newspaper
Oklahoma   January, 2014

Google Images
Everybody in America has to have seen at least one Harry Potter movie. And, it can also be said the same thing about the talking newspapers, books, and secret wands featured in those childhood favorites. Do you remember the characters coming to life, moving and shifting around just before delivering a much needed message of danger or farewell to the reader. Well, KAPB thinks they have found an example of that fabled Black Arts news press link in the real world as well as in today's world.

At Al, the digital online newspaper, there are several links to countries in the Middle East. Somewhat of pro national propaganda news site, it does serve a function for westerners who want to read and hear about that region's events, etc...but, through Sorcery! Hum.

Al-Monitor Images
You'll have to visit the online site to see if there are any special news reports for you by way of the embedded images that are linked to that site's publisher. The images will begin to move, much like in the Harry Potter movies; and, if there is any one there for you (Western Union, 2013) the figures will preform a variety of different actions and then begin to talk. The audio message are then delivered via the internet to your home computer.
Sorcery pushes its way into our home, office, and iPhone. Lovely!