October 8, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Doucheden

'Trash FLASH'
Oklahoma   10/8/2013

The dog on top is about the color a person's
hair would get if they were to inject dog
While house sitting in what we term as the 'Oklahoma Golin Heights', we were able to get the name of a girl who says she wants to changed herself into a dog.

It's... Doucheden.

Her intention was to use dog semen and then live her life as a willing subject to clients who preferred exotic animals as party partners...that is, sexual.

It was related to us that all mental health patients using this type of behavior normally did call themselves a doucheden.

The blonde headed, mixed breed (now) retorted that she was to be called the 'Doucheden' as she was able to appear in human form; wherefore, she, and only she, was to carry the privilege of being the Douche.

Here my finger, pull it!