October 7, 2013

'Definitions': Amp

Oklahoma   10/7/2013

Amp. Another AL Qaeda fraction that President Bush reported to the American press as a threat. Later, during the Obama administration, 'Amp' was reported to the American press as having been destroyed. The American news media, in-turn, reported to the American viewers that the truth was that, yes, 'Amp' had been removed. But, here in Oklahoma...

KAPB found a small cell who was trying to build a second 'Amp'.  These few so-called members were trying to establish a new beginning for the eliminated 'Amp', but because the group was  severely thin, financially broke, and the new group poorly managed a judicial detection was easy.

Below is what was found in learning about this Al Qaeda group.

The intended new name was to be 'Ind'.

  • Bella (Denmark, or Durek) used the tulip wars of Denmark to transition from Mock-Up(Mack). Bella stated that the former name of 'Amp' was no longer going to be used, and she had selected the new term of Ind.
  • Beginning Fung - these members were criers, chatters, and other wise those who hung-around and gossiped outside the homes.  Beginning fung was earlier posted as apart of the Fung family of Satanist, as well as, the character Bruce(Bruce), Katie, and other family members as in reality a Beginning Fung.
  • Astorah -  here Astorah is more on the behavior of a gigolo and/or prostitute. The Goetia Astorah colonies as seen mainly in Israel. Because King David, by biblical terms, was a concubine/prostitute for King Saul it would be safe to believe that the Astorah character has played an important role in Israel for a very long time.
Greece ended the attempted re-introduction of an 'Amp' cell when the Al Qaeda break-in was reported to the state distinct attorney. This ended this trespassing by the 'Ind'/'Amp'. 

Please note: KAPB feels that the Fung family is the organization who is the perpetrator in the attempt to reform this organized crime cell due to the close similarity between the name 'Ind' and 'Imp'. DID's are famous for transposing letters, names, locations, etc when they believe they are in a convert operation of some sort or another. Also, its felt the Fung family is headed up by a 'Katie' who is very possibly a 'Bruce' in drag as 'Bruce' will hydra(Bruce) into five separate characters, one of which is a girl. Lastly, because a primary character in the Katie cluster who is referred to as Katie's brother 'Tyler' (second picture) has gone into the Halphas Goetia. The Halphas demon is the character which was used to harbor among the Jews who were released from the WW2 prisoner camps. Because of the multiple appearances of the 'Katie' Fung, we feel the leader (Katie) gets to be the person who whom is used to illustrate a character of leadership in an Al Qaeda development entitled 'KATIE'...this name is more likely a acronym for something.