September 17, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Christians are the Fire

'Trash FLASH'
Christians are the Fire
Oklahoma   9/17/2013

'Merlin' Flames are favored
by Christians
When searching for early Christians in Old Testament books, scholars teach that the word 'Fire' signifies or represents the Christian ideals. Jesus said he was on the earth "not to bring peace, but fire".

Remember, in Eastern Studies study of social behaviors the word 'Fire' represents the behavior of Christians that we are familiar with today.

Caesar Augustus was perhaps the first known ancient ruler who actuality took steps to unify the 'Fire Bands' or better said 'Fire Gangs' by offering freedom from slavery in lieu of faithful serve as 'Fire Guards'. Fire Guards were ancient Rome's firemen and fire squads that did both set fires and put fires so to affording the interests of the Caesar.

This is about what Christians see when
they begin to play with the flames

This image is also about what the left side
refers to a 'Ipos'...'Ipos' love fire flames, and
will stare at flames for many hours

Even more studies suggest the Goetia character named 'Ipos" has an 'affinity for fire'; thereby, placing Christian in among the first settlers while still in the Garden of Eden as Cain. Adam and Eve's temptation lead to the conception of that child while the two where still existing in a state of evil...left side of the brain. Pain in child birth and expulsion was as Eve's punishment for trusting something beyond the norm of the Garden. While, Adam was expulsion and hard labor. It is believed this curse was the result of teaching Eve himself of God rather then including Eve as part of the ritual services Adam had with God while still in the Garden.