August 22, 2013

'Pirates': Oklahoma's Pack of Pirates

Oklahoma's Pack of Pirates
Oklahoma   8/22/2013

A 'Pack of Pirates' is made up of five different pirates orders. They usually stay away from each other, yet at the same time, they are always in some kind of pack binding them to a king's order. It should be noted that pirates normally don't give much to queen's but they do like to make babies with them. Therefore, it can be assured that in any one of today's royal families at pirate baby was born.

In the North American hemisphere the 'Pack of Pirates' are the five listed below. Other Plutonium posts have more information about those listed here...

Oklahoma's Five Pirate Band:

Focalor - or,  Davy. The best story about this Captain of the fabled theft of the Black Pearl and the Davy Jones Locker tale. If you watch long enough at the illustration of the Focalor demon, you will see the middle figure take to shape of a disc thrower. When he seems to be tossing the disc a slight image of this fabled pirate can be seen, but only for the moment. The greatest number of Davy Pirates live in the Seattle, Washington, (USA). And, yes they look like the fellow in the movies.

El Doog - or, Jean Lafitte. KAPB went on a search to find out why El Doog returned in and around us. This little known pirate is considered to be in the Latin American branch of pirates. From we made this clip of that pirate..."Was Jean Lafitte an American hero or a savage criminal? It seems like he was a little bit of both. On the one hand, Lafitte avoided American ships throughout much of his career as a pirate, instead preying on English and Spanish vessels that ventured into the Gulf of Mexico. He also successfully defended the city of New Orleans in the War of 1812 alongside Andrew Jackson. On the other hand, he was a smuggler and a pirate who stole a small fortune over his career (although he became known for treating enemy captives well). Although his reputation is up for debate, Lafitte's legacy is undoubtedly the rumors of buried treasure that he left behind throughout Louisiana -- a fortune that was sought after long after he died around 200 years ago." Link to

Martin - or, King James of Scotland. This link has all the information KAPB has...we will keep our readers informed as the info becomes available. But, to repeat... It should be noted that pirates normally don't give much to queen's but they do like to make babies with them. Therefore, it can be assured that in any one of today's royal families at pirate baby was born.

Moroccan - or, Vestal to the Vatican. Again, this link is the information we have. We'll keep you informed of we learn more.

Siciline  - or, Al Aleutian. Al Aleutian is the name that is said to be the favorite for this little known pirate band who was famous for the capture of Julius Caesar...more to the fact, Julius Caesar incorporated them during an extended visit and parlay. The Al Aleutian name is more made up then anything else. The pirate 'Al' himself is sexually impotent, and they heavily populate the Aleutian Island region of babies there. Because Alaska is considered to be at the 'end of the world', the Siciline pirates have taken Al in and befriended babies, no threat for....  Read more at this link.

Follow the links above to see what KAPB found out about them..."while them, there pirates" were in Oklahoma.