July 28, 2013

'Definitions': Probe/Gaap

Oklahoma   7/28/2013

The Goetia character called Gaap is the primary person in 'Probe'. Gaap is normally the one to look for if you are searching for the leader within organized church organizations. Gaap is known also as the Goetia who became King Saul in the Old Testament, Bible.

In the Al Qaeda organization, 'Probe' is the live sexual performance, normally homosexuals(Anemone.), where the unsuspecting are killed during the actual act of sex. Most of these performances are done in ghetto/tenement housing where little regard to paid to what is repeatedly happening in the building. Believing they are on a sex date, most homosexuals are lured into the building unawares of what is going to happen. From the beginning the new victim is staged along into this devious acting plot of murder. The victim's nose and testicles are severed and them worn by the filming crew, paying customers, and Gaap himself. Most of the sound tracks form these filmed murder make their way into Christians churches, Islamic mosques, and Buddhist temples....most of which a Gaap is the religious leader.