July 31, 2013

'Definitions': June

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

This is typically an
figurine of a Bune.
Google Image
'June' is the word a Goetia Bune.

The word 'June' is used then a demon is being sent out by someone to do a murder. Normally by just telling a 'June' that it's known what the purpose of their being around in the area should be enough to make a 'June' stop what they are planning to do. 'June's ' are in the realm of a Bune demon but the 'June' doesn't look like a typical Bune character.

The word 'Dune' is a Bune's favorite word.

It is believed also that the 'June' activity (2013) is the result of a project created by Alexander Crowley. Crowley was one of the person who tried to build a collection of data bits on characters who use the left side of the brain. Scholars suggest that Crowley's mission failed and Crowley himself was damaged during an evocation. In the early years of abnormal behaviors, not enough empirical information was available only that most missions failed in attempts to communicate deep inside of each realm.  In the process of that failure, he created a nucleus (nucleus) that may be why the word "June' is used instead of the usual murder word of 'Grrit'.