July 8, 2013

'Escalade': Evil: Belial, Marax, and Fung

Evil: Belial, Marax, and Fung
Oklahoma  7/8/2013

Evil consists of three primary evil characteristics: Belial (Dionysus), Marax (Aerospace), and Fung (Satan).

The only Goetia personality who presented themselves at this time was the Belial. Even through there were several approaches by strangers who represented something or someone, each stranger was a Belial demon.

A little American history of Beelzebub.

In the early settlements of New England, Beelzebub was given the name of Belial and Marax as a duo gang. These Goetia demons roared through the English colonies killing any in their path. Favoring women and young children, many of the colonist lose their lives to this sorted demon. In the picture with this post are the different face and body type that the so called king likes turn himself in to. The combined Beelzebub when designed to deceived persons and launches an attack will use the varies personalities, but always in private and has the victim alone.

To see Belial in the image, it's necessary to remove the horns and mustache from the Belial in the picture. Belial has trouble with his penis, it grows very large, long, and ugly. Though great buddies with the Marax, it doesn't last for very long.

While Dionyus (Belial) greatest achievement was the throne of the Roman Empire via, Augustus Caesar, the Marax rulers out dates that Italian ruler.  Statutes of a Marax can be seen as the Pharaoh Ramesses II as commemorated at the.Abu Simbel temple, Egypt. This group of Egyptian rulers held that position soon after the biological work recorded in the Hashepsut library. It was from those studies that Egyptian scientists felt that the Marax realm of the brain would ultimately be the survivor and live to move on to other planets and possible moons inside to galaxy. Their studies have proven to be true as most Marax are currently working for NASA.

In the first image, Marax is the one sitting is an ordinary person. This transformation is the everyday look. While the other demons bodies are the varies personalities, with body and faces, that could be used in everyday activities. Marax is a pilot. It will be a Marax who will do the inter-planetary mining and colonies designed in the near future.

The lack of knowledge about the records of Sodom; meaning, sex with a dark angel, is most likely the reason why these three were able to ravage the American New England colonies.

The Beelzebub duo with their evil transformations also came along with evil to the core, The Fung (link), called, literally, Satan. Ripping apart genitals, faces, and the anus, the demon enjoys the victory over the innocent.  During the Witch hunts and trials of New England one person stands out the greatest...and, one greatly protected by the church--Heinrick Kramer Dark Secrets of the Witch Hunter's Bible

The killing, slaughtering, raping, and eating ovaries, uterus, and bosoms, this 'brother' in the Benedictine order killed over 40,000 women in England and the United States referring to the women as witches whither or not they had a trail or even a verdict. Kramer's version of the testimonies was called 'The Hammer', today the entire collections by these devious monks is entitled 'The Codex'.