June 10, 2013

Definitions: Slabo Nig_er

Slabo Nig_er
Oklahoma  6/10/2013

Slabo Nig_er. Greek. Converso. Believed that 'Slabo Nig_er' may have started during the era of the Greek Oracles...Apollo being the favorite god to conjure.  Sulfur and the particles from volcanic fall-out if inhaled will cause a mis-function in the brain. As the oracle sat directly over the sulfur pits while under the influence of the herb laurel (bay leaves), the condition of coprophilia. Copros associate themselves, when referred of, to the word 'Jesus'. They also believes that not only feces, but they themselves should be enjoyable to consume.

In addition: volcanoes; that is, sulfur, are now suspected to create a type of HIV that is found in volcanic hot springs,. Between the two a dual dependency was created.

As the second largest colloquial group are the homosexuals and homosexuals use purified volcanic particles for hemophilia, the consensuses is that this is perhaps the only male pattern of god worships in the Greek mythological concentrations. Homosexuals are generally used as a 'Jesus' in sub-occult religious beliefs.