November 29, 2012

Definitions: Tactwon Jew

Tactwon Jew
Oklahoma  12/3/2012

Tact won, Jews for Jesus. Vatican upper-structure. Cardinals and Popes. Church affiliate group who practice Judaism but believe that a messiah can hear their requests in today's world.

As apposed to a predicted appearance in the future, such as, foretold in both the Old and New Testament, their messiah to have already arrived to this earth and is a mediator in 'Tact won' Jews everyday affairs. The largest organization who are 'Tact won' is the Roman Catholic Church followed by the Protestant and then the Lutheran movements. 'Tact won' Jews still practice animal sacrifices at the Vatican, Rome, Italy and human sacrifices on both altars and in warfare, gang violence, and physical sports.

The authority levels are the same in Jerusalem, Israel as in Rome, Italy. Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, etc. The title conversions are in the language of canine(dog) veterinary studies. Thus Pope/High Priest, Cardinal/Pooch, Bishop/Rover, etc. Each level in the Jerusalem authority is detailed in the Old Testament and quoted in the New Testament.

November 28, 2012

'FLASH': Thunder OKC

Pro Basketball: Thunder OKC
Oklahoma  11/28/2012

Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team. Well, Poker is back in the news.

Second string players of the OKC Thunder has secured a place on the Ping tables at that famous poker website. The tables, or games, shoots rim shots to the pubic area, upper thigh, and finally into the U-Va ring located at the base/inner wall/upper length of the vaginal canal. Claiming 'rose pedals' is the cure for genital cancer, the Thunder players wager for human genitalia to pay the bills. This may very well be one of the avenues used to spend mob money away from the Euro bank down-falls, as the poker game of Ping is an oriental game based mostly in Korea.

November 27, 2012

'FLASH': IMP: Amish Mob

IMP: Amish Mob
Oklahoma 11/27/2012

International Masters Publishers, aka, Amish Mob. This dilly has a racket. No way to stop, close, or cancel...just pay and go away.

All the videos talk to you across the internet satellites while they access the possibilities of a organized racket attack. The show hasn't even aired in Oklahoma yet and the Amish Mob boss has already called me a thief. No adjustments, no emails, and no serve!.

They told KAPB that they had no Target for the DVD player promised, but yes they do, "Your Wallet".

November 22, 2012

'Iconic': The Corlone Temperance

The Corlone Temperance
Oklahoma   11?22/2012

Remember this image from the post entitled 'Russian Plate 2', will after 13 months of picking out varies sizes of spyrex balls, tubes, plates, etc. the final emptying a the wounds has been reached.

Though the objects are still coming to the surface, the final culprit has been identified  Below is a picture parade of that family with some history of their family and some information of what apothecary herb they are derived form. Thanks for waiting this out with KAPB and we hope it serves all of you well.

Cardinal Corleone, Vatican, Italy

Though believed to had first arrived in Britain during the Dark Ages(1000's), this castle was purchased somewhat around the year 1250. The Corleone family are the first to be presented as the ruling church authority and their family identities can be seen even into the earliest conquest of North America through the Viking era in the settlements in Greenland, Finland  and Iceland.  Always following behind the early explorers of any given adventurer, this roman church family would establish some kind of a religious chapel environment, start issuing land decreases, and finally collect taxes to support the church.

Created from the in-gestation and injections of the herbal compounds, the herb 'Cardamom' is the primary component in the tincture. The mixture's earliest usage can be dated as far back as Ancient Egypt..hence, how it arrived in Ancient Rome as Egypt was for some 50 years in Rome possession. Know doubt the repeat usage of the word 'Zing' by users of the herbal compound is the result of long term abuse of the herb that is used by herbalist for 'throat disorders'(wiki).

"Cardamom ( or cardamon) refers to several plants of the similar genera Elettaria and Amonmum in the ginger family 'Zingiberaceae.

Green cardamom is broadly used in the South Asia to treat infections in teeth and gums, to prevent and treat throat troubles, congestion of the lungs and pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the eyelids and also digestive disorders. It also is used to break up kidney stones and gall stones, and was reportedly used as un antidote for both snake and scorpion venom."

Several other notables are kidney stones, snakes, and scorpions are more of a delusion from the herb then a real antidote...withdraw, or the need for more cardamon in the blood stream, most likely creates the belief quotes above. Also the varies colors associated with the flowers, pods, and seeds are used by long term users of the herb.

Today, books, movies, and TV shows fully illustrate this very well known roman church family. Know doubt the reason for a cardinal among the Pope's is a member the Corleone Family. Pictured here are several images from a Google search that are different stages in which a Corleone would move through.

Finally, the last picture is a few of the many fem stages that a long term abuser of Cardamon would move through.


November 13, 2012

'Aliens On Us': U-Va Ring

'Aliens On Us'
U-Va Ring: Stand for Vatican
Oklahoma  11/12/2012

U-Va or biblical, Vauvian. 

In 2012 the whereabouts of anyone who knew something about a U-Va was had a top priority. Every trespassers coming into KAPB locations was questioned, about the crystallized
ring that has been implanted in the passage opening of the vagina. 

In 2014, every TorTureD entry information is normally followed through by a Pullo torturer when anything is said about the illegal implant called a U-Va. Pullo is considered as a Roman Legionnaire who works with Horus (Horse). A male prostitute, it is believed he, in reality, is a female athletic who choose to work in the stables, so to say.

When asked, a Pullo will agree to all of the above, but more importantly, Pullo works for the Vatican. When qestioned, the Vatican owned hospitals have agreed it was they who put the U-Va minerals into the vaginal opening with the effort to view the vaginal area during any activity including sexual intercourse.

>>>> (here, taunting, mocking, and boyish laughter slowly began to increase)

The English Cyclopaedia: Geography - Page 210 - Google Books Result
Charles Knight - 1867 - Encyclopedias and dictionaries
>>>> IDOCRASE, a Mineral, also called Vauvian, Pyramidal Garnet, &c. This mineral occurs crystallized and massive ; the crystals are either attached or embedded.
>>>> here they became very quiet and silently disconnected from their transmission)
>>>> - Translate this page
Vauva-lehden kotisivut. Nimipankki, chat, kirpputori, keskustelupalstat isille ja äideille sekä neuvola.