September 12, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Russian Plate and Fiber

'Aliens On Us'
Russian Plate 2
Oklahoma  9/12/12

Bleeding is extreme! Huge hardened circles form around
the area where the plastic plate is removed. 
The photos with this post are called 'Russian Poulub'.

Extreme bleeding can be expected when this plate is removed. Like most of the orbs, these fibers must also be removed by digging the finger nails down and under the plastic plate flap that the fiber is attached to.

Extreme breeding has to be expected. Two things that cause the bleeding to increase is the wall or overhead lighting and movement, such as standing up and walking.

The hair fiber is visible as well as the under plate of the fiber is affixed to is in the last photo.

Though the images are getting old,
the fiber can be seen in the top image. The
bottom photo also has the fiber stick-
ing out.
Scarring is deep purple with blotches around the area. Most scars are the size of a American quarter. Clorox bleach with a compress has been the only way to burn the wound shut.

Physically sitting in a bleach bath hurries the hardening process along making it possible to remove each plate within 2 days.  Again, the process may take up to a full year for all plates to surface, harden, and be remove from the body.

When questioning persons about the 'Russian Poulub', the only information that was available was that soldiers returning from Afghanistan was carrying the Poubub back into the country, no doubts for street gang activity and business espionage in inner city environments. The Afghanistan information lead to the county of Dubai as the manufacturer of the devices. From there KAPB was asked about the details acquired through contacts, and KAPB told the US Congress about the University of Oklahoma Social Work students (they affixed the devices on toilets), the returned solider who was witnessed at Burger King (they carried the devices into the country), and the length of time it took to remove the fibers and who use transmitting from them (Converso Movements).

Close-up of plate and fiber.
Close-up of the wound.