September 24, 2011

Plutonium Introduction 2009

The newest addition to the KAP family of blogs.

The beginning of Plutonium was the result of the 'Ligature Essays'. Ligature is a means to discuss topics in relationship with another subject...KAPB uses 'Modern Society', or to say, 'Today's World'. Our Ligature Essays try to find where the historical biblical books and biblical characters are in relationship to current events or in a range of five years.

At the beginning, KAPB knew very little about the many Al Qaeda groups, fractions, clusters, etc and only a few of the names and just who and how they fit into the KAPBookwork consisted of only a handful. Listed below are those few AQ cells and just about they were published in 2009. They are fairly much in the original state as when they were first published.

Fraction Names
DeBlanken Nig_er(ireland, rye whiskey(blank is pronounced much as the mexican word 'white')
Munta Quan nig-ger (france[argonaut or morphindike{12}])
Odafend en Dis Nig-er(scotland)
 O DaFisht(india)
Oden Porule(venezeula)
O Fer See(american buddist)
Opioium(american nazarene)( iu is pronounced as a very soft 'd')
Opus Di(usa christian)
Opus De (usa jewish)
Opus Den(usa christian[1h]
Opus Dul(france) Opus Dul 2(france)
Opus pou(china) Ping(korea)
Sing(israel) sudo adoption of the wealthy for a living means
UnDe Salurile(spain [ the way to evil] )
Xu Qcue(china) ....

Arabu(al dune, professor[1n])
Arvid(gemini, actor[1g])
Brent Holge(Xu Qcue, opus den,[1i])
Commander Sulu(gemini 2, actor[1f])
Daniel Hope(A,former nazarene board{1e})
Dave Evan(xu, o dafisht. senator, oklahoma[1b])
David Crone(good an en[1r])
David Jackson(opioium[1t])
Dora(ping, former governor, Ill[1z])
Franklin Graham(opis den, tv evangelist[1u])
Gideon(Opus Den, bible internet moderator[1w])
Elton John (uk, house of lords[1x])
Eric Brown(ping, Pharmaceuctical empior, oklahoma[1l])
Greg Mautter(opus dul2, ou economics[1k])
Greg Wilson(Opus Di, naz laity, oklahoma[1j])
GoodWill Industries(Good An En[1q]}
Jantezen Franklin(Oden Porule, tv evangelist[1v]])
Jay Burton(Ja Une, actor, [1g])
Jerad Rummel(Sands of the Desert, Natural Path. Dr.[1y])
Josh Morgan(bar jesus of kansas)
King Tahoung(india, o dafisht, {please note here that this person is the first to start this queue of persons})
Kenneth Copeland(opus dul[american tv evangelist[2d])
Kyle Hobbes(logue, actor [2a])
Morg(oden porule[1s])
Murice(al dune, child bride[1o])
Paula White(american tv evangelist[2e])
Phantom(xu qcue, opiad, actor[1m])
Republican Tea Party(USA 2010 [2b])
Rod Parsley (opus dul[american tv evangelist{2c}])
 Sarah Palin(xu, opus de. former governor, alaska)
State of Conneticut(o dafisht, library system) T

1. Female: a female's vagina is swollen, the clitoris is enlarged and strongly resembling a male penis and testicles. The virgina is closed and pin-holed at the passage area.
2. Male: the male's penis and testicles have retreated into the folds of the stere. The appearance of tissue below the penis area resembling a virgina is present, but without the vaginal passage opening and the normal female organs of the female genital area. Argonauts are most commonly known as a morphendike. Understand, Argonauts are not born transgender, transsexual, or transintersexual, but male and female's born with biological(DNA) genitals of the opposite sex, and the argon genitals are non-functional. Concluding, the Argonaut male body structure is feminine, they physically looks like a girl both in the face, body, and genital area, while the Argonaut female body structure is masculine and physically looks like a boy both in the face, body, and genital area. This deformation can be inherent or wine and drug induced. Note: Most of the faces can be seen in the 1960's version of 'Jason and the Argonaut".

8. Refer to section 'Where the Money'
9. Funds--money earned by the worker.
10. December 2008 Kara Leigh Aghijlar became a real person by a name change in the Anchorage, Alaska judicial district.
11. Shalom!
12. Commonly, either a male or female who's genitals are deformed through DNA.

1b. Dave Evan is an alias for the famous Texas Chain Saw murderer Ernest Bane. He also suffers from a addiction to the house plant commonly known as Jade--a small leaf rubber plant believed to have mystical powers of 'the covering'.

1c. Today the company name is Kara's Associated Publications(KAP, 2009).

1d. The Headless Horseman and Ichabod Crane. 'They rode over bushes, hills, and swamps. When they reached the bridge, the horseman suddenly turned into a skeleton.'...German folktale, set in the Dutch culture of Pre-Revolutionary War in New York State. The original folktale was recorded by Karl Musäus.
1e. He like to refer to himself a 'chain saw'. On April 18, 2010 the Nazarene Church was found to be a multi-spouse organization. He's only remark was, "I hope your happy." (I for one am.)
1f. Commandor Sulu was famous voyageur in the TV version of the 60's hit show 'Star Trek." Jake-sen was the stand-in, or stunt man, for the main actor--Jake was also identical in personal looks with the main performer. Both were known to have knowledge of the opium markets of CA.,USA.
1g. Arvid is currently most famous for his role in 'Hell Born'. His real first name is Gene, and his father is the actor John Ritter, deceased. Jay is also a cast member with 'Hell Born'...Jay is reputedly the son of actor Richard Burton.
1h. Opus Den is much the same as opus de, high anarchical position in Al Qaeda. The main difference in 'den' is that they are midgets...their physic is the same as the members of opus de, but dens are dwarfs...biblical word 'emp'. Note: h is level, and n is even. This term is used among the clergy in first Jewish settlements in the age of religion. The early famines written in biblical histories mentions the high and low of letters. This current belief, h and n, holds true today to that old belief of hierarchy.
1i. Though Holge is an unknown to most people, his character is very well known among religious organizations as he resembles 'Luke', or what's believed, of the New Testament. Painting from different eras with Saint Luke in them has created an image for persons to associate to. Persons addicted to heroin go through physical changes, one of them being simular to Saint Luke in the paintings. With that, the Al Qaeda's have made a religious 'church' for themselves, and having drugs being the creator of the person in their sainthood. Brent Holge is their 'luke' in several US must be added that only Republicans (1h.) are allowed to be in 2 branches of the Al Qaeda at any given time.
1j. Little is known about Greg Wilson. But, first he used the name Greg Willinford(?) while working in the Nazarene laity, Norman Ok. And, second while using the name Greg Moest, he single-handled out voted the 1960's Wilson-Filmore Plan, revised from the original senatorial plan, by using a software application device called 'Will list' and voted 90 more times then allowed...causing the plan to fail congress.
1k. Another person with little importance other then he thinks he assassinated Senator Blake of Oklahoma.
1l. Eric Brown is an alais for Joe Ern. Though, again, little is known about Joe he does say he assassinated SenatorJoe Morgan of Wisconsin by shooting him in the skull, replaced him as a like-a-like, and had the 'Wisten Bill' passed making a lethal form of Laitril into a marketable pharmaceutical product. He later sold the pharmacy company for $40. million dollars, invested into a new pharmaceutical comp. in Norman, Oklahoma, nets a million yearly, and reinvests it into the ssw at ou. He also claims his wife of age 13 knows nothing about any of this.
1m. Jeff Willaville name of this opioid phantom(phantoms have a difficult time with any one certain name, thus being called a phantom). When asked, Jeff as he'll answer, states the name of Albert Guin, a character actor. Portraying a doctor, he entitled himself to be at the Mayo Medical Clinic, Washington, D.C., he fuses multi-personality disorder into possible separate individuals, thus, creating other characters who'll not mentally rejoin in thoughts for a recovery therapy. He claims working at University Economics Dept.s, is a member of Xu Qcue, and massage destroyed all the children at an elementary school in Wisconsin, USA.
1n. The American name used by Arabu is Jay Wills. He works as a professor, and on social work projects...He states he got that position by assassining directors of a SSW school. He works by filtering organized crime monies through SS schools then through a state senate. He has worked with the person in citation 1l., and claims an association with the Al Dune, the Al Qaeda fraction made famous by the gangster Ben Laden and the bombings of 9/11/2002. Arabu's contacts with either the fraction or it's member is in a university's school of horticulture.
1o. or Jade. Murice is a male transgender to the girl Jade. He is also a member of Al Dune or The Ester Doung...Alms, Dung from the Book of Ester, NIV. Note:Queen Ester is attributive to the Feast of Purim...or day of giving, starlight, spiders, and disgracing one wife for a younger one are also a part of the Book of Ester. Jade(Murice) is originally from France, wears spider tatoos, name themselves after any holiday of giving, lives on a life insurance policy, and ,with criminal intent, mentally evolve within the same family structure...or their long term missions(ester doung). They are known to digest human bowel, addicts of the house plant 'Jade', heroin and opium; and, child pose within a family structure while engaged in a sexual activity with the father figure in lou of a positions of his life insurance policy upon the man's death, and Jade(Murice) loves historical sites. They prefer the name Jean in any form or language, and will consider a mission blessed(downing a halo) if able to use a combination of the two names...such as, Jean Natale(Italian for giving or Christmas). And, finally, they are also Opus De (h, [1h-i]).
1p. El Doog has only a few main themes. First, they are french hobos which has an infinity for milk cartons. Second, they home the 79th Airborne troop, famous in France with a USA shoot in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The most notable exercise among themselves is the impersonations of actors with Eric Douglas(Kirk Doughlas, son), Brad Pitt, and John Wesley as apart of their credits. And, finally, their pedophile prostitutes.
1q. Regretfully Goodwill Industries has been seized by this Al Qeada group. Good An En are pack rats who must have piles of junk always around them. Here I pray for those who were lost in this new opium den. As most people know Goodwill, Ind was started to employ persons recovering from alcohol addition. Jesus saved us.
1r. Crones are an opium addict. When the nose is sliding, opium addicts call them David. The one listed above is a prostitute, extorts money from the State Hwy Division by using a former State Commissioner's computer who set the confidence up for him to work through.
1s. Daniel Shone is the above mentioned Morg...Morg is a stage of retardation from opium. They also deal in the weapons markets. This peculiar Morg works at the US Senate's House, Way, and Means committee selling data or supplying info to the senators who work there...they in turn sell the material to different sources. With this blog, they were collecting article data from computers through email accounts using a secured connection then selling the info to other universities, professors, and students who could afford the materials. Daniel Shone is one of the 'gun runners' the author mentioned in the autobiographical movie 'Warlords'(2006). It is believed D. Shone was the only member of this Vietnam era crime spree that truly survived the prostitute houses of Mexico that's illustrated in the movie.
1t. This is perhaps the oldest sect in the enlightened world of Christ Jesus. Reportedly, in the NIV, Governor Felix tried Saint Paul(Acts 24:10-16). But in reasons today salvation merits rewards making Felix the first leader of the sub-community or the cult Opioium, now as a thought in the reasoning to the old temple. This sub-cult, formed in alliance with the Jerusalem temple, as the buffer(the plan to return to the old way if the Jesus stuff failed); thus, their overthrowing each attempt to install as new knowledge(OT, Nazarene order) the worship Jesus of Nazareth as apart of the ongoing debates of a God Jehovah. With old testament scripture stating the Jews or Israel people were not found anywhere among the survivors when the battles for the Jerusalem and the temple finally ended, and with the absence of the original people, new persons were selected to be the members (now Israel) who are stated to be fond of the ways of the One God, but held a respect for the gods and idols of Jerusalem's opposers allowing the temple sacrifices to continue...and what today are the Israel Jews.(OT further states a respect must be made for all future inhabitants to recognize the warriors who fought and subdued the battles, and that each warrior must be accountable to the founding made of the original persons. Meaning, the families of old Jerusalem had new relatives, their enemies were now in place as the Jews and the tribes of Israel. Stating here, the crufixtion of Jesus was the destruction of the blessed Jerusalem, and respect risen only if it could be proven that Jesus returned to live again...making salvation meriting rewards!)...
1u. Franklin Graham son of famous world evangelist Billy Graham became the newest person to be identified by the AMA's newest mental condition Serial Maniacal Satanical/Masochism(2010). He was also identified as a pedophile. Upon refusal of a serial behavior of willful trespassing, F. Graham was arrested and is currently waiting for trial in south-central USA. The condition is linked to an alcohol abuse...primarily, London dry gin which is made by taking a neutral grain spirit (usually produced in a column still) and re distilling after the botanical are added as it is distilled with barley in aged wood it slightly resembles whiskey. After years of conflicts in alcohol control in the USA, the US Surgeon General has ordered the botanical component grown in the US that's used in gin production to be halted with any remaining of the herbal product to be seized and destroyed. Amen. In jan 2011 the graham family again reentered the lives of this author hoping to get some public attention of forgiveness. This author feels the gravity of the sexual assaults and sexual threats out weights any such considerations. With that notice to him and his father, billy graham, who initically made the request, franklin became highly aggressive with other family and church members. Two grown grandchildren with daughter neva jean thomas, ellie and mark, where introduced into the physical aggressions using the thin line three leaf club(deck of cards) smashing the idol against the foreheads of this author and other apartment residents. In the foray, John Hagee(tv evangelist) became a torch bearer claiming the person theresa jean shaw, formerly t j thomas married to j l thomas( alais-F graham), to be his fem under-cover personality.
1v. Jantezen Franklin is a little known television evangelist. He has somewhat of a past, but little is known about the legalities of it, and it's questionable if it there is truth in the rumors...this author says no. The gossip is used to place J. Franklin Oden Porule(Venezuela) inside of covert groups such as Opus Po(china). Now, the way he works is simple. Using child prostitutes from pedophile homes, he inserted collection sacks inside of the child's gentiles. Collecting human sperm/eggs from persons using the prostitutes, he then removes the full sack and freezes a collection of them inside the brain of cats which he purchased from animals shelters, or simply stole from nearby neighborhoods his group is working in. Primarily using American Airlines, he transports the brains in bags of flour marked Cheerios that's destined for Venezeula. His American contact is called 'Carl' and the Carl connection is made with the song 'Avita' sung by a Mexican artist. Having a fetish for cony(marmot) discharges. Franklin enjoys douching with the animal's sperm.
1w. Though 'Gideon' is the website name for this Arab motif, he has yet to return the treasures he stole from the city he invaded, plus there's the troops. It seems this person who works at as a chat room moderator has somewhat of a past as a FBI personal. Schooled in Burbank, Ill, Gideon entered the special operations unit via the local police department assembled by an Arab emergence located in that city. Gideon claims to have killed 'Jules' as name unknown here, but most likely a deep thrombus to his allegiance to the Arab nations to overthrow Christianity here in the USA. Though claims connections with Opus Den, Gideon has been seen in with members of 'A', and works as an informant for Central Intelligence Agency or the CIA. Gideon like his biblical counter-part has murdered more people in the United States then any other motif of Arabia because he works for a special operations manager under cover as a pastor in De Moines, Iowa. In a little while he will be announcing he resignation for the CIA as he has little to no interest in this any further as he was fired from when harassing member in the bible community(5-28-10).
1x. Elkin John is one of the members working inside the usa using a passport from Mexico. Though from the uk, he altered his appearance by using the wine mixture called sangria common to Mexico. Elkin claims he works for the 'Common House of Lords', GB, UK, he got the position by helping in a murder plot on former USA president James(Jimmy)Carter; and finally, loves holding artists in bondage and slavery. Though in the tabloids during the 2009 he has all but disappeared from the public scene until this attempt to stage himself into the new reality show 'FB and I' piloting the fall of 2010.
1y. Jerad Rommel is perhaps a questionable person. A transgender, Jerad poses as Theresa Natale of Vancouver, WA. She, Jerad, claims to be in the Al Queada group 'Sands of the Desert', that her father is the infamous Commander Erwin Rommel(The Desert Fox), and works for the country of Greece. Briefly, Greece is interested in the wine vineyard owned by the Calisto family--a very high profile wine producer from Italy with fields in the USA and Alaska. Jerhad claims Mario(?) from Greece offered her 40 billion dollars to infiltrate the Calisto vineyards and assure a place in this famous wine family. Making her way with other family members, Jerad was able to place herself as one of the daughters of a grandson through the youngest son of the founder, who arrived in the USA in the first years of 1900's. Under the direction of a D-Governor Williams of Florida, Jerad came into the Natale family through legal side-stepping claiming herself as a special service member from the White House...apparently, a bomb had be placed in the atrium and caution was being when Jerad's Natale family placement took place in mid 196o's. Trying to complete the vineyard take-over, she secretly file a claim in the US Supreme Court using US attorneys declaring an ownership of the person Khera Asungh, survivor from the marriage to the grandson of the founder...Jerad believed Khera as a new owner of the Calisto vineyard. The filing failed. All attorneys were imprisoned, the two contacts at the US Supreme Court were exposed and with it the notion of a new legal slavery system in the USA. Now, back to the White House bomb. Jerad claims the bomb was built in Greece and placed by the company Weatherford Oil Consultants. What year the proposed bomb was placed is not quite known, but the groups 'Sands of the Desert' is the only group entitled to carry the lever to set it off. That being a voice association and a signaling respitory detection system. These Al Queada member has to live until 60 years old or the structure weakens the casings protecting the bombs encasement's...sounds questionable. They must stand at the front gate of the White House, say the word 'beautiful' while giving a secret salute made famous during the Nazi Occupied German. Finally, pulling this all together, William(Bill) Collier, professor University of Oklahoma Physical Science(sports) has been named as the main contact for Jerad. Jerad says Bill owns Weatherford Oil, Symartec Endpoint Protection(computer antivirus software), and is her prominent contact source in the USA. This author feels Willima(Bill) Collier is likely Jerad's natural father...whether Bills' Commander Rommel is unknown.
1z. 'Dora'. This supposed governor of illinois is said to have connections with the CIA. All inquires has lead to this being not true. Working with weatherford oil consultants in houston, texas, miss dora has arranged for female organs to be sold to her('his'transgender) country. Using the employer bruce poteet several dinner arrangements in chicago, ill via aerial tours out of canada. What's important here is that the island of australia is also a major role player and specifically kyle hobbes, the actor with the famed cast of abc's 'v'. Though little is said of dora, current physical address-301 chalmette dr. #6, norman, ok 73071, she does travel around with a negro boy and lives in chinese neighborhoods to collect female organs assault women while they are using the toilet and showers in the neighboring apartments and homes.

2a. The usual story of secret agent on the famed tv show 'v' has given this person a duel cover for espionage around the world. Using eric brown, listed above, Hobbes arranged to acquire female organs in the usa, oklahoma. After a quiet arrest for the oklahoma bombing(federal court house) the browns offered to help sell female organs to hobbes by using the attorney firm paula brown works at. Placement of hobbes and 'Dora' by using the weatherford oil, b poteet, contact hobbes was enlisted by this illonois governor to collect human organs for korea and the crime family 'ping'. kyle hobbes' transgender character is featured on abc's 'v' as one of the aliens aboard the ship. Hobbes uses the name 'douglas wills' with the oil consultant firm when entering into the usa. One final note to abc's 'v': though the story is centered around the delusions suffered in the disease of 'HIV' the information is incorrect concerning 'anna'. Long term hiv's who use the word 'peace' do not make offspring any longer, they will not have sex with men. This famous series is about HIV but it is not about the persons with that condition just persons who use are using the virus for their own personal reasons. 2b. To no ones surprise the republican tea party has surfaced in organized crime. With the theft of the blog entry 'disciples In Creation'( the tea party has been fined by the international court. The blog entry was a basic belief of Jesus Christ and his disciples were apart of the world creation. This subject has been apart of early childhood development bible studies for nearly 100 years. The author at KAP had used a high school level format to inform new believers who are in study with the web page bible study...this christian site is most famous for the christian reality show 'Rh' airing on tbn, daystar, and the arab healing channel. More importantly, tea party members, while following an 'Rh' cast member, was observed stalking at a bank of america. Of the three persons causing a disturbance at the bank was the known franklin graham[1u. above]. The other two were members of the tea party who joined in with the graham gang while passing by a republican party office located in oklahoma.
2c. Rod Parsley, american tv evangelist is the alias for Senator Mark Webber who sits on a sub-committee influencing legislature on matters with children in organized crime activities. Using influence, Webber(parsley) puts add-ons into senate bills under the school funding for improvements to the buildings, class instructors, and types of classes offered to help bring kids from varies backgrounds such as prostitution, drugs sales, organized street gangs, etc. The Federal funding were made possible by a once seated Federal jugde named K. Copeland who now works as an evangelist with the american christian tv networks. 2d speaks furture on Copeland. R.Parsley is fetishes with voyeurism.
2d. Kenneth Copekand says that he is a french general who pushed the f.f. legion into texas, usa using warfare weapons on american soldiers stationed in that state. Copeland says he also shipped human organs to france as well as killing most of the horses in america sending the dead horses also to france. One thing Copeland did add is, "I turned men into horses using herbal solutions that helped the process along". He also claims that a university Texas A&M (agur & machine) medical center is the college which developed the formula. Currently, Copeland's son - bruce - has been found guilty of bombing the federal courthouse building in Oklahoma City, OK and is waiting execution in that state pending the removal of computer operations to enable this crew to over-take the state of Oklahoma. Needless to say, KAP will be removing links to these 3 persons on the nearest open KAP office day.
2e. White is known only as a tv evangelist, questioned as having affairs with other married evangelist, and has been put into some kind of leadership with collecting info on Christians in the united states. Though asked by Benny Hinn, little is known if P. White has been placed into this position. White is in membership with the K. Copeland and Ron Parsley groups mentioned in 2c, d.

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